03 July 2014

Wow! This Update Came Fast!

Fast Turn-Around

When Kori started showing symptoms of illness on Tuesday and then slipped into the point where I called 911 yesterday, I was not expecting a turn-around to happen this quickly. Last night, through a fast application of fluids (which did not have to be forced into her this time just to keep her blood pressure up) and antibiotics, she seems to have come almost all the way back.

So, the doctors and nurses in the MICU are saying that, probably later this afternoon or early evening, she can transfer to a step-down floor where she will probably only stay a day or two more before returning home.

As a side note, she will probably finish losing her left pinky toe in the next few days. Of all her necrotic toes, this seems to be the only one that will fully auto-amputate. The rest of the toes' necrotic flesh seems only to be serving as cocoons for the new toe growth. With this being the case, she hopes to start walking again by the end of the year or beginning of next.

Your prayers and faith are appreciated and felt. Thank you all.

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