21 September 2011

Alas, Poor Google+, I Knew Him, Horatio.

I just posted this in regard to this article: MediaShift . Google+: Social Media Upstart 'Worse Than a Ghost Town' | PBS.

It's a fact I learned long ago when I worked for Novell: It rarely matters if your technology is better, if you're the first to make it out with a gap-filling technology, you usually stay on top. For example, people needed a GUI operating system, Windows filled the gap (or some might argue created their own niche). It doesn't matter that any half-decent flavor of Linux can run circles around Windows, regardless of whether or not you use KDE or Gnome. And security... forget about it! Windows is like a deep sea fishing net compared to Linux. And if you purchase a supported version of Linux (like SUSE and Ubuntu), the support costs are easily half that of Windows. We all know these facts.

However, it doesn't matter, because Windows, more or less, got here first. (No, I won't go into marketing tactics and strategies here).

We could argue the same about Google+. Facebook came to the top (although MySpace seemed to be there first, so, did the superior format win out, or just the fact that Facebook didn't feel as sleazy as MySpace) and stays there. I like a lot of the features of Google+ much better. I feel it's more secure and in a lot of ways easier to use, but, for the present, Facebook will still sit on top...or "Sit on MyFacebook" as one friend calls most of those social media networks.

My opinion is that Google+ is better, but might not ever rise to the top, as it should. Maybe it will just stay as a backwater social network for geeks and those who know what's better, but can't do anything about it.

10 September 2011


NASA’s> Puffin Is Way Cooler Than a Jetpack

I tried using Post This last year, but it didn't work, so I'm cutting their link. I really hope to see more development in this realm of technology.

And it never posted, it got stuck in drafts. I haven't tracked any developments on this in a while, but I did just find this:

25 August 2011

In Honor of the Fallen

Today, I wrote to my friend Kevin J. Anderson in response to his Facebook post regarding a banquet he attended in honor of the Challenger astronauts of 25 years ago. In my response to him I wrote the following, and feel that it deserves to be shared with those, who like me, were so impacted 25 years ago by the tragedy and in honor of those who didn't let it stop us from moving closer to the stars.

On 10 January 1986 I had been sent to the library to finish my homework, and I was thrilled to be there, I knew that the Challenger would be lifting off and that the library would have it on TV to record. I turned around from my cubicle, leaving my homework unattended. I counted down with mission control. At liftoff, I said a prayer in my heart for those brave astronauts--whom I hoped to emulate someday. That prayer was answered with a soft "no" as I watched as the flames of rockets became the flames and smoke of utter destruction and we lost seven heroes that day. And true to the real American spirit, we did not let that deter us from returning to space. My world has been forever changed by that day. I still hope to go to space, some day. And when I do, I will leave a copy of a book or something in orbit, to honor Christa and the other six who join Gus Grissom and the other brave pioneers whose legacy will one day lead humanity to the stars.

09 June 2011


Google's doodle today rocks! Everyone get out there and play it!


07 June 2011

Just Another Day

A quick note. I brainstormed my story. I think there will be a military bend to the story and that some of the unit names will be related to jinn names. Also found some interesting concepts from Wikipedia including Kefizat Haderech(probably where Frank Herbert got his idea for the name Kwisatz Haderach) and Tay_al-Ard. They are both similar ideas that mean teleportation. I want to use some of these ideas in whatever I'm going to actually call my story. I'll see what happens...

02 June 2011

So Far, So Good

I'm going to try again to log on here daily and give updates to my progress. I still can't manage to find the energy I used to have to get up, but since I started reading Save The Cat by Blake Snyder, I at least feel that my work is a little more streamlined.

I got all my scene headings in place today. I think there is a little more leg work that needs to be done before I write the scenes, but, I started this morning and am on my way. A lot less overhead, for now, than Jeff Kitchen's method, but I'm hoping to synthesize Snyder, Kitchen, Hauge, and Iglesias into a method for me to use to accomplish this screenplay.

Blake Snyder's Beat Sheet worked, though. It helped me trim down a lot of the stuff that would have made my screenplay, now titled, SHATTERED SILENCE (again retitling thanks to Snyder), a better novel than a screenplay. I also have a good logline (perks to Snyder and Iglesias for direction on this one): In a world ruled by the deaf majority, a framed detective hopes to clear his name of a murder he didn't commit.

Let's see how it does...

01 June 2011

The Changing Face of War: Into the Fourth Generation - LIND

I found a really interesting article while researching the OODA loop and its associated realizations and usages.

The Changing Face of War: Into the Fourth Generation - LIND

12 April 2011

Science Fiction Movies I Love

So, I’ve been asked by a few friends what my top ten science fiction movies would be. Here they are:

  1. Inception

  2. Dark City

  3. Primer

  4. The Matrix

  5. Cypher

  6. Blade Runner

  7. Push

  8. Moon

  9. Tron

  10. Star Wars (Original Trilogy) I only acknowledge three movies as Star Wars

Moving out of the top ten.

  1. Paycheck

  2. Dune (1984 David Lynch/Alan Smithee Extended Version)

  3. Serenity

  4. Tron: Legacy

  5. Soldier

  6. Terminator

  7. Philidelphia Experiment

  8. Iron Man

  9. Pitch Black

  10. Star Trek (2009)

Okay, that’s a good start for a top twenty, when I promised ten. I’ll start reviewing them over the next while and tell you why I love the film so much.