27 July 2010

Rediscovering a Classic Album

Sorry, I dropped out of sight for a while, been working a lot on Wild Hunt version 6. Today I listened to my recently-ripped CD of Weezer (Blue Album). I know I heard it in high school, it came out in 1994, and I still, occasionally hear the “Unraveled (The Sweater Song),” “Buddy Holly,” and, even less frequently, “Say it Ain’t So” on the radio. But, I think this is the first time I ever listened to the whole album from beginning to end. Wow! The album has deep tracks that the radio missed that make me remember high school, my mission, and college. I am grateful to own the album.

Speaking of radio, I must, here give a eulogy to a long string of wonderful, connected radio stations. It started in the 1980s with a core group of DJs at KJQ, then they moved to X96, then they moved to 107.5 The End and finally to 101.9 The End. Recently 101.9 The End, arguably my most favorite radio station on the FM dial died a painful death when Clearchannel, its parent company went bankrupt. Fortunately 104.7 picked up the slack, but I will sorely miss the End with Chunga, Cort, and the rest, especially my good friend, who should have been a DJ, Gregg. They never should have fired Parker, he could have taken the station places they never knew they wanted to go. After all, Parker, basically, started Kerli, Colbie Caillat, and Thriving Ivory on their American concert tours. He had contacts in the industry and saw that Salt Lake City could become one of the best test audiences in the nation. Mike, you are sorely missed by at least one fan, and the End and everything to do with it is missed as well.

I just emailed my friend and former End-er, Gregg, I hope that maybe we can write a book about the rise and fall of those who were the DJs that path. Let’s see how it goes. It might need to wait a little, like until after I’ve published a few things before I can afford to write it. It will probably need a lot of research, but it will be very fun.

Speaking of which, I just finished a short treatment of my story now I can, finally, outline it and script it into the screenplay. Also, I’ll get my Celtx account back this month too, yay for third paychecks.