11 January 2010

Havrett Started

Well here it is: a new year. I’m hoping to blog a little better this year that way I can be ready for my press of fans as they begin swarming my blog and reading all about me. Yeah, right. But, I do want to have something that can be referred to so people who are curious as to how I got here, wherever that here is by the time this is read, can refer to this, albeit brief, history.

I started writing the background and history of “Havrett” on New Year’s Day January 2010. After ten days, I have written sixteen pages, scrapped them and have written three. Not bad considering I restarted the story, or more started the story in the second and better place to start it, further in. It does not negate what I’ve already written, but, it does pick up the action a lot sooner. But I doubt I’ll need to flash back to it, with the exception of perhaps the video courtroom scene I wrote in the first start.

I plan to finish this draft then let it sit for a month or so before editing it into a second draft. I haven’t really more than mentioned the story to my wife (my wise reader, set up as suggested by Orson Scott Card, thanks, Scott) anything about the story although I have told a couple of my buddies who liked the story. And I am also noticing in the retellings, and the writings that I am finding another character coming to prominence: the Ship Grid himself. He is actually proving to be pesky, but helpful.

Well, maybe I should also explain the word a little, havrett was discovered when I switched the posting I was reading on Admiralty Law to Norwegian. The name fit. So, there you go...

I plan to publish this by the end of March, or at least have it submitted for that.

Well, plan on more to come in the coming year. I also plan on posting some of my own thoughts on writing this year too.